Thursday, September 21, 2017

Postcards: I Must Not Fear

Anxiety is pretty common place these days.  I have friends going through some rocky patches, and the country as a whole is trying to pull out of a tragic spiral.  Perhaps it was coincidental that I chose to reread Dune during this time; nevertheless, I was once again drawn to The Litany Against Fear.

Currently my brain is trying to explore The Litany however it can.  In this post I can concentrate on the artistic path that led to a postcard, but I have included a few images that might lead to other paths.

I first thought I would use collage to find a figure to place on a background, remove their body and replace it with The Litany.

I tried using sticky notes to make The Litany a series of sequential images.  I liked where it was going, but not useful for my postcard needs.

I really should do more color tests before working; I am not a patient artist.  This is the rare occasion I actually tried out my watercolors to see if I could create the fade from sky to ground that I wanted.

I also tested the coppery ink I wanted to use for legibility across all the colors of the background.

And then I pretty much just went for it.

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