Monday, February 25, 2019

Postcards: Strawberry Tree Froggo

As I mentioned in the previous post, Westen suggested I draw a frog or the Jabberwock.  It has been a goal of mine to explore more intermingling of my drawings and collage.  With the Jabberwock, I mimicked collage by writing first, and then drawing over it.  For the frog, I decided to draw on an envelope and then tear the frog out, thinking the tears and the printing on the envelope would add some depth beyond my ability to draw.

This time, instead of writing, I stole words from Lovecraft.  He's good for weird atmospheric snippets.

Then a bit of map that I had from a collage grab bag.  The map gives me an element for the frog to overlap, while at the same time breaking up the text, making it harder to just read and recognize the story. 

Finally a stamp, to make this postcard feel a little more traveled.

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