Monday, May 7, 2018

Postcards: S Sacer

I once again stamped the beetle stamp because I wanted to, and then had to work from there.

I wasn't sure what type of beetle Carley had used as a reference, if any, when making the type.  My own uncertainty inspired the "s. sacer?" label.  I haven't developed a paper aging technique yet to my satisfaction; this is what I came up with.

Then on to some flavor.  Property of Sir J Whemple, to give the card some history.  The penciled in notes I hope make it feel like a... living document?  Or something like that.  A possession of Sir Whemple.  Relations de Divers Voyages Curieux was referenced as a potential source of more information about the beetles of Ipet-isut.  Really, I don't know what I am talking about, but the viewer of the postcard would have to be well read enough to catch that Sir Whemple doesn't know what he was talking about.

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