Thursday, July 18, 2019

Collage: Tins are not postcards

Hello!  I finally got started on the Art Tins project.  I have been thinking about it / hoarding tins for years, but I have not had a good paint removal plan.  Lucky for me, my buddy Nic did have a paint removal plan, and so I went over to his house.

In his driveway, we set up some folding tray tables.  Nic drilled some holes into one, allowing us to zip tie down a drill.  Nic then installed a simple shield over the drill, since we would be using the wirebrush attachment at high speeds near our faces.

You can see here Nic stripping the paint from a Snickers tin.


After the paint was removed from a tin, it went into the copper bath.  Shown here, it's just a 9V battery connected to the tin on one side and a copper pipe in the other.  At first the solution was just some salt water, but later we added lemon juice.

And ta-da!  We came away with some tins with character.

Next step: Our old friend collage.  I cut out some interesting characters. 

This cathedral looked like a good backdrop to span to the two halves.

Next I started playing with the position of this guy, deciding how much I actually wanted in the tin.  I also traced him on some watercolor paper; I later added those watercolor layers to raise the figures off the background.

I yellowed the background to make the figures pop.

And that's it.  That's how I make a collage tin.  They're not all exactly the same, but the techniques are pretty similar across the board.

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