Monday, April 17, 2017

Postcards: Shaun's Corn Collage

Sometimes these things get away from me.  It is not an unheard of problem.  Many an artwork would have been better off if the artist had stopped 60% of the way through.  It is easy to get lost in what feels like refinement.  That is not quite what happened here, but I have been talking recently with other artists about productivity vs perfection, and effort vs return.  You are likely to hear more musings on these topics soon.

Below you see the first two images combined.  I was drawn to the expressiveness of both images, and used them as my jumping off point.  I have yet to even trim both images to fit the card stock.  I also missed removing the background within the elbow of the corn; I will attempt to hide this sin with text.

I found words that I felt complemented the image well, and played around with their placement.  I should not have glued the corn down before this stage; I would have preferred to have some of the text run underneath it.

Here is where it completely got away from me.  I think I could have made the additional text work, if I could have slid pieces underneath the corn.  I tried to force it, and the composition was weakened.

Finally, I added the logo to the lower right hand corner, just to balance the added elements.


  1. If you have a minute, I’d really appreciate it if you took a look at Emily’s Virtual Rocket. This is a serious newsblog which has been taken from e-newspapers and e-magazines from around the world, with an emphasis on transgender issues. Also, with his election, I look for articles which critique Donald Trump.

    I hope you enjoy this. Please paste the following:

    If you like it, please consider putting it among your favorite blogs. I would greatly appreciate it.



  2. So glad I got to see Corn's jaunty elbow in the "before". And I appreciate how Corn and Man are looking into each others' eyes.

    I'm left wondering, what is Corn saying?
